Steve Hall


Steve Hall is the author of Lament Forgive and the content creator of the website A Nonviolent God.

© 2025 Steve Hall. All rights reserved.

Lament Forgive

Time is a terrible healer. Our memories of the disloyalty, betrayal, or abuse we’ve suffered, keep the pain fresh and the consequences ongoing. No wonder we find forgiving so hard.Traditionally, Christians view forgiveness as a gift we offer to the people who wrong us, but this fails to communicate anything about how we can receive healing from our mistreatment.If you and I are going to believe God wants to liberate us from our past and heal our memories, a new approach to forgiveness is desperately required.And to do that, we’re going to need to start in an unexpected place: with the lament.


Hello, I’m Steve. I discovered a dormant love for writing while working on essays for a post-graduate Theology degree. I was surprised too. Around the same time, I began a long journey to re-learn how to read the Bible. Slowly, I am migrating away from a God that uses violence to save or punish, and towards an understanding of God where he is as nonviolent and Christ-like as Jesus. I unapologetically write from this nonviolent perspective in my debut book, Lament Forgive, and on a weekly basis at A Nonviolent God.I live in Newport, South Wales, with my wife, Carole, and our three teenage children.


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